For The Parents

Dear Parent,

Thank you for your inquiry about the Alpha Digital Facility.

Alpha delivers a first class education which marries the latest developments in multi-media presentation with a high quality educational programme. The Alpha facility is a dynamic concept which has been carefully researched and delivered since 2005.

The Alpha curriculum is delivered via a state of the art digital facility. Students, teachers and mentors meet in real time digital space. Alpha students interact with fellow students throughout New Zealand and engage in collaborative inquiry with students throughout the world.

Alpha students belong to three learning communities - the global community, the Alpha digital community and the local learning community which is expressed via engagement with local community facilities and the local environment

Alpha students interact with fellow students throughout New Zealand

The Alpha Campus is extensive. The global learning opportunities afforded by technology greatly enhance learning for students in the 21st century. Student / Teacher interaction is instant and takes place in digital classrooms with the latest video conference systems.

Teachers employ a range of accelerated learning techniques which encourage rapid uptake. Alpha students learn a range of skills beyond academic success. They become environmental guardians and entrepreneurs.

We interview all prospective students via our conferencing facility or by phone before offering a place in Alpha. The next stage for those students who have been accepted is to conduct an in-depth assessment of each student's learning profile by use of the Synergistic learning tool which is unique to Alpha and which assesses learning preference in each of the four key cognitive areas. We then prepare the Needs Analysis document which highlights strengths and areas which need support. From this we devise the individualised learning contract which the student and teacher will use throughout the coming term. Progress and programme adjustment happens term by term.

Students have free time available to pursue their interest in the afternoons

Please contact us if you have any questions about Alpha. If there is sufficient interest in your area I can provide a PowerPoint presentation about the Alpha Virtual Learning Concept.