• Not at all, five year olds can manage Alpha access. We teach all the skills the students need - PowerPointing, Audio Filing, Movie Making, Document Management etc. Within days, even the youngest students are digital natives.

  • Alpha students enjoy the best of both worlds - a full education delivered at an efficient pace and plenty of free time ( afternoons and all day Friday) to enjoy a whole host of activities - Horse Riding, Drama Classes etc.

    The Alpha Social Contract - This document is written at the start of each term. Parents, students and teachers meet in Alpha to discuss how social time will be spent.

    Alpha students enjoy:

    Local Interaction

    National Interaction

    International Interaction via the Alpha Digital Facility

    Alpha students benefit from:

    A comprehensive social and emotional literacy programme taught at each maturity level.

    The Brain Licence (Primary students)

    The Leading Edge (Secondary students)

    ESQ Option (for underachieving students)

    The Moving Forward Programme (for students who experience a specific learning difficulty)

  • Alpha students are taught to an international standard so that they can take their place any where in the world. National curriculums of their respective countries are interwoven into the Alpha programme.

    Alpha students enjoy an advanced curriculum which includes:

    Thinking Skills programme

    Social and Emotional Thinking Skills programme

    Digital Literacy skills programme

    Second Language Learning

  • These assessments are only available through Alpha. They are unique forms of assessment which analyse each student’s form of:

    Absorption Style

    Thinking Style

    Memory Function

    Optimum Environment

    Expressive Style

    Social Interaction

    From this in-depth assessment, a fully personalised programme is created. The SLP and NA are the secret ingredients in Alpha students’ rapid educational progress.

  • Children under 13 will need a parent at home but parents don't need to be involved in the teaching programme unless they wish to be involved. Alpha teachers teach the students.

    Parent / Teacher partnership is an important part of Alpha. Regular meetings in Alpha ensure that parents are fully informed of their child's development.

  • Alpha employs only registered teachers.

    In addition to their teacher training, Alpha teachers are graduates of:

    The Teaching in a Digital Learning Environment (one year course)

    The Responsive Teacher Diploma (two year course)

  • The Alpha PE / Health programme ranges from perceptual motor and sensory integration programmes for preschoolers through to daily fitness programmes for senior students. Students are encouraged to see fitness as an integral part of their daily lives. Involvement in local sports teams is set up via the Alpha Social Contract.

  • Absolutely not, Alpha is a 21st century educational facility. Students, teachers and parents meet in real time, real space in live interactive classrooms.

  • Alpha has been teaching students successfully since April 2005

  • Early Start, the Preschool option - available nationally and internationally - a parent / teacher partnership

    Alpha Primary Programme - available nationally as a teacher led programme, available internationally -as a parent or teacher led education

    Tutors on Line, The High School option - available nationally and internationally - parent or teacher led

    Alpha Plus Extension Programme - available in school / out of school, available nationally and internationally - parent led or teacher led

    Specific Subject Coaching - extension or remediation, available nationally or internationally - tutor led