The series of seminars known as Synergy came into being as a result of requests from diverse groups such as business leaders and social agencies. The brief was to design seminar experiences which would develop the Interpersonal and Intrapersonal skills of individuals and of team members, resulting in increased performance, both personal and corporate.
The seminars cover the key areas of :
Personal Growth
Life Skills
Productive Performance
The name Synergy refers to the dynamic effects, both personal and corporate, which result from increased self awareness and increased social awareness. The Synergy Programme is delivered via a series of two day seminars which cover personal and corporate competencies.
Special features of the courses include:
Detailed course notes;
Practical strategies based on validated experience;
Free follow up advisory service via email, audio conferencing suite and fax;
Venues throughout New Zealand.
(For a description of each seminar click on the title)
It has been said that the human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe. Recent developments in the field of neuroscience have revealed some of the mysterious functioning of our brains. Educators are now armed with up to date knowledge of how our brains take up information, process the information, store and retrieve it and finally express it. The function of this seminar experience is to share that knowledge with course participants.
21st Century individuals must harness the unique powers of the triune brain if they are to solve the complex problems and meet the challenges which our fast paced world presents. The synergistic application of whole brain thinking skills offers the best opportunity to achieve optimum learning success. Before embarking on the thinking course, completion of 1.1 would be advisable if you are not familiar with brain processing.
Over the past twenty years neuroscience has delivered a series of research findings which reveal the inner workings of our emotional brain and its impact on our thinking processes. By understanding how our emotional brain governs our motivation, attitudes and behaviour we can free ourselves from negative thinking patterns and behaviours which harness us to the treadmill of the past.
More than ever the qualities of emotional intelligence and social competence are in demand as, in our complex world, it is the ability to take our place in a collaborative team which will determine the success of organisations.
An increase in our self knowledge is the first step on the road to maturity and personal happiness. Without this self knowledge we are at the mercy of established habits of mind and emotion which no longer serve us but which limit our future options. The focus of this seminar is to assist course participants in their journey towards self knowledge.
This seminar builds upon the knowledge of Brainworks 1.1. The purpose of the Rapid Learning seminar is to refine study skills and to enable students of every age to study more effectively. Day one explores the potential road blocks which students may meet when they begin to study and suggests ways of negotiating these blocks. Day two is named "Fast Forward" because it introduces learning tools which increase memory function and learning uptake.
The latest developments in neuroscience reveal that our communicating style is based on our brain processing style. Failures in communication can often be traced to this difference in communication style. Recognising and appreciating these differences enhances our ability to get along with each other. Families, teams and business associates will benefit from this course which refines listening skills and enhances expressive powers.
Creating truly co-operative teams, based on recognising and appreciating your own talents and the talents of co-workers who have a different thinking profile. Personal expertise and knowledge is no longer sufficient to meet the demands of our rapidly changing society. Only by effective team work can organisations hope to stay afloat on the tidal wave of the information age.
To be effective, leaders of the 21st century need to cultivate a style which surpasses the old model of efficiency combined with drive. To-day's leaders must be able to inspire the dedication of the team and be adept at utilising the talents of their team. More than ever, leaders need to possess a range of social and emotional competencies if they are to lead high performance teams. This two day seminar explores the characteristics of the new leadership style and suggest ways to develop a range of leadership competencies.
Rapid change is the inevitable challenge of doing business in the new millennium. Multi-faceted managerial skills are required to handle the demands of the modern business milieu. The new manager must be able to handle transition smoothly whilst at the same time minimising the negative effects if rapid change and seizing the opportunities which it presents.
Day one of this seminar looks at the change process and suggests effective ways of negotiating potential road blocks. Day Two outlines the emotional and social competencies which modern managers must posses if they are to manage change with efficiency and harmony.