The Responsive Teacher Course

The course title reflects the course facilitator's commitment to meeting the diverse needs of students. A skilled educator employs a blend of professional judgment, diagnostic skill and effective teaching strategies when creating an individualised learning programme for each student.

Teacher responsiveness to the subtle changes in student attitudes, behaviour and performance can have a profound effect on a student's achievement levels. Whilst educational theories abound, it is the practical implementation of the most effective teaching programmes which creates real change.

The focus of the Responsive Teacher Course is to assist teachers in reaching individual learners within a busy classroom. The course content provides practical strategies which have already been tested and proven to be successful in both rural and inner city schools.

 Course Structure

The Responsive Teacher Course delivers professional development at two levels; foundation skills and refined practice.

Level One : Clearing the Approaches

The foundation level equips educators with the knowledge to implement practical changes in their professional practice which will result in radical improvement in students' performance and motivation. The foundation modules are a series of two day seminars, each building upon the knowledge of the previous sessions.

For teachers, seminars 1.1 to 1.5 provide the theoretical and practical knowledge which assists them in creating a highly responsive learning environment in which students thrive.

Seminar 1.6 has been created for Principals, School Managers and Trustees. The seminar may prove to be most effective as a forerunner to the teaching seminars or it can run alongside the teaching component.

(For a description of each seminar click on the title)

  • "Brain works" maps the working of our holographic brain. Understanding how our brain absorbs, processes, stores and expresses our learning experiences is vital if we are to encourage optimal learning in our students. Skilled educators need to possess a working knowledge of neuroscience which will enable them to create educational programmes which harness the dynamic energy of their students' minds.

    Day 2 introduces the Synergistic Learning Model which enables teachers to create effective, individualised learning programme for students.

  • This seminar experience provides a practical application of 'whole brain' accelerative learning strategies. Over the two days, teachers will develop an understanding of the techniques which create successful multi sensory learning programmes.

    Teachers will learn how to utilise the natural rhythms of the brain to ensure that student concentration and focus are in peak condition. When students are in a "flow" state, learning is rapid and enjoyable.

  • The key to student achievement is to create a comprehensive learning programme which develops all aspects of learning, ranging from skills and knowledge building to thinking skills elaboration.

    This seminar demonstrates the most effective way to create balanced programmes which ensure full coverage and successful learning outcomes.

  • Specific learning difficulties may not be overt. Many students experience difficulty at a sub-clinical level which nevertheless impedes their progress academically, socially and emotionally. Other students experience co-morbidity; two or more co-existing conditions.

    Teachers require considerable skill in identifying students and in creating effective intervention programmes for such students. This seminar teaches those skills.

  • This seminar introduces the first of the three major whole brain learning tools. Every culture, in every age, has given primacy to musical expression. Music has been described as the " Royal Highway " to learning and memory because it engages the whole brain in cognitive processing, emotional response and physiological function.

    Music has enormous power to transform mood, change behaviour, revitalise memory function, clarify thinking and release creativity. The skilled educator, who has detailed knowledge of musical pieces which match the brain's optimal learning frequencies, is able to assist students in expressing their creativity and inventiveness.

  • E.K. is Educational Kinesiology, often referred to by its trade name, Brain Gym. During the last 30 years, E.K. has been used extensively to create learning readiness and to release the stress which accompanies learning blocks. It is unsurpassed as a learning readiness tool.

    Carla Hanniford in her book "Smart Moves" provides an explanation of the neuroscience which underpins E.K. In order to use E.K. effectively, teachers need to be able to match particular movements to the resolution of specific problems. By the end of this seminar experience, teachers will be able to use E.K. for personal stress reduction, the creation of learning readiness in their students and the lessening of the effect of learning blocks in their 'at risk' students. E.K. is also an enjoyable experience. Come prepared for action on Day 2

  • This seminar experience completes knowledge of the triad of 'whole brain' learning tools. Without an adequate expression of EQ all learning is compromised. The emotional brain (also known as the mid brain) houses the three "gatekeepers" of the information highway.

    All sensory information must pass through these gates in order to access the neo cortex which is the thinking part of our brain. How we perceive and interpret information decides our attitudes, our learning capacity and our behavioural response to any given stimulus.

    Developing emotional literacy is vital if our students are to take their rightful place in the world. Without sufficiently developed EQ even the most gifted student will founder.

    Developing EQ in our students is perhaps the greatest challenge which teachers face but it is also the most rewarding area of development because it allows our students to become skilled in the art of living.

  • The Leadership and Management Seminars are for Senior Management and School Trustees. "Leading The Way" provides effective tools for clarifying your school ethos, planning your school programmes and expressing your vision in ways which are meaningful and productive. The key areas of communication and presentation are also covered.

    Day 2 - "Transformational Management" is devoted to the "making it happen" aspect of school leadership. It shows Managers how to create effective change, manage time effectively, anticipate and negotiate potential "road blocks" and create productive, co-operative teams which work in a synergistic manner.

Level Two : Going For Gold - From Practitioner to Expert

The level two modules deepen knowledge and refine practice. The course content addresses the areas of real challenge which teachers encounter in the course of their work. Each two day seminar can stand alone but the best results are achieved by school communities which commit to the full R.T.C. course.

The course components are designed to be responsive to the particular needs of individual school communities rather than delivering "one size fits all" advice. The facilitator commits to providing ongoing support and advice to course participants between seminars.

The course notes provide full instruction and detail whilst also providing useful templates. School communities are helped to plan their own application of the course content in the manner most relevant to the needs and requirements of the particular school.

It is advisable to space out the delivery of the two day seminars, thereby allowing teachers the time to implement changes in an effective manner, to adapt suggested practices to suit the individual school community and to reflect upon the efficiency and efficacy of the changes.

Recent research in the field of neuroscience tells us that our brains work most efficiently in six week cycles. The suggested timing of the delivery of the two day seminars is no less than six weeks between the seminars.

  • This seminar experience provides course participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical implementation of successful progammes which allow students to develop their cognitive, critical and analytic thinking skills whilst also expressing their creativity. The social and emotional needs of students are also addressed. Teachers will learn how to create balanced programmes which encourage inventiveness and conceptual thinking processes.

    The three major options for schools will be demonstrated so that each community can devise a gifted and talented a programme which meets community needs.

    During the second day of the seminar the difficult area of underachievement and learning difficulties in gifted learners will be discussed in depth. The successful "Slaying the Dragon Intervention Programme" will also be explained and offered as a tool which assists students who are gifted but experience significant learning blocks.

  • Seminar 2.2 introduces teachers to the range of the learning difficulties which are most prevalent in primary schools. In order to assist the students, teachers need to know how to identify maladaptive neurological learning behaviours and how to seek effective help.

    Teachers also need to know how to interpret professional reports and how to use the information to create practical programmes which improve the learning out comes for the students. Such programmes can eradicate the worst effects of learning difficulties and provide an optimal learning environment for our children. Accurate identification, effective intervention and regular conferencing are the key components of a supportive programme which is time and cost effective.

  • Seminar 2.3 focuses on the behaviour of students who exhibit significant emotional disturbance. These are students who are destructive and aggressive in class. They are at great risk of failing educationally because of maladaptive behaviour patterns.

    The seminar explores the causes and consequences of emotional hijacks, suggests practical interventions and introduces teachers to a range of techniques which have proved to be effective.

  • Delays in perceptual motor development and sensory integration inhibit successful learning. Early diagnosis and planned intervention programmes offer the best outcome for students.

    This comprehensive seminar offers Principals, Teachers and Parents detailed knowledge of the perceptual motor and sensory deficits which cause significant delays in the development of literacy and numeracy.

    Social isolation is frequently experienced by children who suffer from learning delays in the motor planning and sensory processing areas of their neurological systems. These difficulties are so prevalent in our preschool population that early screening procedures and the provision of a catch up a programme must be a priority for all primary schools.

  • Our students need to develop those skills which will allow them to thrive in a world of rapid change and unprecedented opportunity. Students also need to develop the mind set which will allow them to seize entrepreneurial opportunities and to be effective change catalysts.

    This seminar introduces teachers to the Fast Forward Thinking model which nourishes our young entrepreneurs and change catalysts.

  • Entrepreneurial endeavour must be balanced by an ethical consideration of resources and guardianship of our planet. This seminar demonstrates the way forward in equipping our young people with awareness of environmental issues and of the ways to meet their global responsibilities, whilst developing their entrepreneurial skills.

    Teachers will also be introduced to a range of programmes which allow students to collaborate in international environmental projects.

  • The paradigm shift is upon us. The older model of add-on ICT programmes no longer has validity. Digital natives require an advanced degree of digital literacy and the emotional and social competence to accompany their technological capability.

    This seminar is a must for all teachers who wish to meet the needs of their digital natives by placing digital literacy at the heart of their teaching programmes.

  • This seminar takes teachers to the next level in teaching a range of thinking skills and shows teachers how to craft effective programmes which foster the development of advanced thinking skills.

    By the end of the seminar teachers will be able to identify the thinking styles of their underachieving students and provide effective thinking programmes for them which can be readily incorporated into current teaching programmes.

About The Facilitator

The Responsive Teacher Course has been created by Teaching Principal, Frances Hill. Frances has taught in the UK and, for the last sixteen years, in New Zealand . Her teaching experience extends from Preschool to High School. She has taught in rural and inner city environments; in schools designated from decile 1 to decile 10.

Throughout her teaching career, she has focused on reaching those students who do not readily respond to the mainstream learning environment. Frances has an extensive background in teaching students who are exceptional by reason of giftedness, learning difficulty or behaviour.

She has explored the frontiers of neuroscience and accelerative learning techniques, translating theoretical knowledge into practical teaching applications. R.T.C. is the distilled essence of that experience.

Frances is also the creator of the successful Early Skills preschool programme, the Slaying the Dragon intervention programme (which meets the needs of gifted students who also experience significant learning difficulties) and the Synergistic Learning Model. She is currently employed as an Adviser to schools, as an Educational Researcher

For a booklet giving full details of the Responsive Teacher Course, including bullet point detail of each seminar, please contact us.