Alpha Primary uses the internationally acclaimed approach of basing knowledge acquisition and skills development in the early years on experiential learning. Parents and teachers work in tandem to deliver academic skills development and knowledge building.

Junior Primary (Years 1-3) – Environmental Guardians 

Years One to Three are delivered via The Alpha Educational Consultancy Ltd’s Environmental Guardians Programme

Middle Primary (Years 4-6) – Integrated Studies 

These are considered the transition years. During these years, students develop their ability to become self-directive, passionate learners.

Students attend class from Monday-Thursday. Friday is still a learning day but is an out of class day devoted to practical activities such as science experiments, local investigations, Digital Literacy and Arts activities. Lifestyle balance is achieved as students learn intensively in the morning sessions so that they can devote afternoons to pursuit of personal interest activities and sports opportunities.

Year three students run a three-session day (9.30-12.30). In year four, the learning day is extended with students beginning earlier (8.15-12.30) to enable a deepening of investigative learning skills. 

The Transition Years curriculum for years 4-6 includes:

Social & Emotional Literacy

 The Alpha Brain License is delivered via a series of modules which promote understanding of self and others.  

Communication Literacies 

  • Students develop increasingly sophisticated reading and research skills;

  • Oral and written fluency skills are also developed;

  • Digital Literacy is enhanced via the Alpha Digital Literacy Curriculum;

  • Creative expression is encouraged via the Alpha Arts Programme;

  • Thinking skills development is incorporated into learning programmes; 

  • Second language learning is optional but encouraged. 

Investigative Skills

These skills deepen across the science and social studies domains.

  • Science inquiry changes by the term: Earth Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Biology  

  • Social Studies focus changes each term: Geography, History, Sociology, Ecology

Investigative Learning allows students to access the reliability of information sources by identifying bias and evidence 

Mathematical Understanding  

The numeracy programme runs throughout the academic year. Direct teaching of numerical literacy is supported by a range of Alpha practice programmes. (Perfect Process Practice, Fast Facts Fluency, Times Table Tune Up)

Mathematical Understanding develops each term through teaching in: Statistics, Geometry, Algebra, Measurement and Problem Solving.

Senior Primary (Years 7 & 8) – Extended Studies 

The last two years of Alpha Primary continues the development of Social and Emotional Literacy. During these years, students move to The Leading Edge Social & Emotional Literacy Programme which has been developed by The Alpha Educational Consultancy Ltd.

All subject studies deepen into specialist areas with students engaging in extended studies in:

  • English Literacy

  • Maths

  • Science

  • Social Studies 

  • Optional second language learning 

  • Advanced Study Skills

  • Digital Literacy development

  • Arts development